⚔️ Legendmakers Episode 8: Designing The Metaverse For Brands ⚔️
The metaverse is a new paradigm shift for brands to be able to deepen connections with customers and move away from relationships that rarely extend beyond a transaction. A new era where every touchpoint unlocks a new shared experience that delivers community and allows customers to truly own part of building the brands they love.
In this episode:
⚔️ What is the metaverse?
⚔️ The metaverse economy
⚔️ Where to start: Entering the metaverse
⚔️ The value in the metaverse for brands
⚔️ Defining your metaverse strategy
⚔️ Define your narrative
⚔️ Where (Sandbox, Decentraland) to build
Download the presentation here: https://www.farfromtimid.com/blogs/honeypot/design-the-metaverse-for-brands